Ride Lead Planning and Needs

Ride Lead Planning and Needs

Do you have any interest in leading a ride for the chapter? I know this can be a little intimidating but we are here to make it simple. All you have to be is willing.

There is a Ride Lead Planning Meeting on Saturday 2/17 at approx. 11:00 (right after GPS training) at the dealership. During this meeting we will go over the needs and start filling in Ride Leads (and sweeps if possible) to each open ride. This is important because we will not publish and promote a ride this year until we have a committed ride lead.

During this meeting you will also get a packet with Ride Lead expectations, rules, check-in process, and waivers. This should be everything you need to complete a ride and understand the expectations. The main purpose is to plan a route, lead a route, and make sure it is a safe ride that is fun and enjoyable for all.

As you know, this year we are providing GPS training, Ride skill training through the H-D Riding Academy and Ride Like a Pro, as well as CPR, First Aide and various guest who will provide education and informational topics for us all to improve our riding lifestyle. None of this is required to be a Ride Lead but is encouraged, as we continuously learn throughout life.

Attached is a list of all preliminary rides for the year and the needs (highlighted in yellow) for Ride Leads. This is what we will work on and fill out during the meeting on Saturday. If you are not able to attend and can/want to pick up any rides that are open, please email Preston ([email protected]) soon so he can get you added. There are no guarantees there will be open spots after the meeting on Saturday so do not delay.

Thank you… Now, Let’s Ride!

msbranh's picture

Posted by msbranh